Sports Injury Treatment in Brunswick GA

Sports injuries in Brunswick GA by their nature are post traumatic injuries, and those that do not require surgery are very responsive to treatment rendered by chiropractic offices, especially those with extensive experience such as Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Brunswick GA.
My background in treating athletes began when i was growing up played many sports in high school and college. I injured myself numerous times playing football, ice hockey, and lacrosse, as well as boxing and karate. Since I knew nothing about chiropractic care growing up, I never experienced the powerful results that can help relieve trauma related injuries until I fell from a roof after college. After experiencing how I felt after chiropractic care to my spine from the fall, i realized in a few weeks that I never had felt as limber, flexible or strong in my entire life, and i had the benefit of playing for nationally ranked programs in high school and college. I call this transformation "Postural Performance and the Power of Biomechanics." Its the reason chiropractic care along with physical therapy is used in every training room in the NFL, NBA, MLB, MLS and major colleges throughout the USA. Lets look at these paradigms.
The study of the human muculoskeletal system in terms of it's ideal design, ie model and its relationship to human posture is called Biomechanics. It involves analyzing structure and function of the human body relating primarily to movement, strength, flexibility, agility, speed and body control. EVERY athlete wants and needs to perform at their highest ability in all these aspects of kinetics to succeed at their given sport. And all coaches and trainers strive to provide every legal (non PED) means to allow their athletes to attain maximum performance. The profession of sports trainers and sports physiology has grown in leaps and bounds in knowledge and demand exponentially over the past 30 years, as high school, college and professional realize that proper, specific training and conditioning of athletes that are Sport Specific as well as proper treatment for injured athletes help their programs succeed. To an extent, it's all about winning and losing and using every legal advantage to do so, but it's also about constantly raising the performance bar and looking for innovative ways to do the job better!
We know what the ideal posture looks like, allowing maximum flexibility of all body joints, and strength for connective tissue including tendons, ligaments, joint capsules, and fascia, as well as maximum muscle function and contractibility for strength and endurance. ANY deviation from that ideal postural model MUST RESULT in symptomatic consequences including restricted mobility of joints, loss of flexibility, loss of strength and agility, loss of explosive quickness, and eventually pain. Correcting the imbalances causing the postural deformities will allow the injures areas to heal, and benefit from proper training to restore the loss of performance. It's really that simple. This is the prime function that chiropractors perform for teams and athletes allover the world. If it didn't work, believe me teams wouldn't waste their time or resources to include it.
The human body can only respond to a command at the level it is capable of. Depending upon the severity of an initial injury, how long ago it occurred, the quality of treatment rendered to allow that injury to heal, and any subsequent injuries sustained to complicate the injury into a syndrome (related functional consequences or "domino- effect" of several injuries or re injuries), performance can not be at maximum level until everything is corrected and allowed to heal. This means specifically, correct the damage and resulting imbalances in the spine and or extremities (legs, knees, ankles, feet, shoulders, arms elbows, wrists or hands/fingers, TMJ, or jaw, and skull). Any joint can and will be misaligned with a traumatic force, and the speed, weight and angle of impact force will determine how much damage occurs to joints and connective tissue. The science behind proper treatment demands that EVERY type of tissue receives specific corrective therapy so they all can heal in the fastest timeframe and be ready to initiate exercise rehabilitation to restore full function, and get the athlete back to full performance. Some only require a little time, others take much longer, but the process in systematic and deals with correction and healing response.
Muscles and other connective tissue surrounding and creating human joints are highly responsive to various therapy types including electrical stimulation, specific specialty massage and deep tissue release, cold laser therapy, which was researched heavily in Europe in racehorse healing responses, chiropractic joint manipulation, stretch and flexibility training, resistance and specific rehabilitative body conditioning. Again this is the regimen for non-operative injuries, and in many cases post op cases. Help the body fully heal, be specific in regard to the program of therapies to cover all injured or compromised tissue types and use the right combination of retraining so full performance is reached as quickly as safely possible. It is reliable and works extremely well!
Dr Halverson's background and approach in Brunswick GA:

As mentioned earlier, I was injured as a youngster, with a wide variety of traumatic consequences. At 7 I cut my right wrist badly on glass, which required extensive surgery and 12 months rehab exercise, at 12 I broke my right arm which was improperly set and required elbow surgery at 16, at 14 I dislocated my right shoulder, at 17 I badly sprained my left knee ligaments, at 22 I fell from a roof and injured my lower back, at 29 I tore right knee meniscus, both medial and lateral badly.
As you can see I hurt myself early and repeatedly in sports traumas except for the fall. Therapy has come a LONG way since I was young, I never heard about chiropractic until I was 22 after the fall, but weeks after that initial treatment was able to do almost full front and side splits when prior to the treatment I was nowhere close to doing so. The amazing improvement I experienced led me to pursue the profession, and once licensed, treat athletes as well as families. Having been a karate teacher at 23, I competed nationally and had good friends on the US team, who years later became patients. Several members of the US team sought treatment as well as members of several NFL teams, professional boxers and kickboxers, professional and amateur tennis players (hundreds while still practicing in Atlanta), world ranked swimmers, marathon and track athletes, wrestlers, golfers, NBA and other basketball players and the Costa Rican Women's soccer team, as well as hundreds of weekend warriors. I was also fortunate to be asked to join the General Motors clinics in both Jonesboro and Doraville, Ga on their their Worker's Comp staffs. The combined size of the facilities was 40,000 employees, with about 6,000 people working 24/7 year round. I personally treated a great deal of carpel tunnel and neck injuries, however other injuries also required treatment for knees, elbows and of course lower backs. The benefit i received from working with the medical and therapy staffs there was incredible, because the clinics were both state of the art with great physical and occupational therapists. They taught me a great deal about PT and Rehab protocols, and the experience has continued to be a wonderful help throughout my career.
The value of experience is that one learns from treating athletes from differing sports and injury types, and while there is some crossover for injuries such as sprains, dislocations and compression traumas, there is also a good deal of specificity in returning an athlete to pre injury status for their particular sport from specific spinal or extremity subluxations. I always take into account what physical requirements are necessary for an athlete or patient to return to their individual sport ready to play at high level. Trainers are encouraged to see what we do and during the rehab process follow goals and phases of conditioning to gain the best results and help prevent future re-injury. A trainer who sees what I and our therapists do helps them in their work as well, since the best results are achieved as the result of a team effort. That's a valuable lesson I gained from GM.
Call us at (912) 262-9735 for a complimentary consult so we can determine what you may need and what we can do to help!
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:00pm
Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Center
1510 Newcastle St #200
Brunswick, GA 31520