Weight Loss and Management in Brunswick GA
Our Program in Brunswick GA
We customize each weight loss/ weight management program for the individual in Brunswick GA here at Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Center. There is an exact science to getting you to your ideal weight, and keeping you that way.
This last goal, maintaining that ideal weight, is where most conventional programs fail. In fact, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) states that the weight loss franchises are unsuccessful with 90% of their clients in maintaining the lost weight for 1 year after the program.
The Science:
We begin with live-cell analysis and Joyce’s biochemical analysis to determine:
1. How effectively your body is metabolizing carbs, fats, and proteins
2. A simple saliva and urine test reveals carbs, salts, undigested proteins, PH, metabolic energy levels and also defects inherent physical strength and weakness, toxicity levels and mineral imbalances. Without that knowledge, a program becomes a hit and miss “cookie cutter” approach, wiuth no long term benefits!
3. The prescribed dietary regimen based upon this testing is individualized for each patient, and designed to restore proper weight, reduce body tension and regain proper energy levels to improve your health!
Cravings and Food Addiction:
When you look at Crickett’s bio in our meet the staff section, you will see she has a great deal of experience successfully treating smokers who want to quit, women and men with stress issues, and weight loss patients. Crickett is our laser therapist, and has an incredible success rate in her specialty. Laser therapy with acupuncture and auricular points are scientifically proven to break food addictions to sugar, sodas and other substances that lead to serious weight gain. Her success with patients who were previously unable to lose and maintain their desired weight with this therapy regimen is extremely high.
Exercise and Proper Supplements:
Exercise increases metabolism (the processes necessary to create the energy your body needs to function and maintain itself.) by as much as 20% in as little as 15 minutes a day. We customize the best exercise program for you based upon your body’s condition and show you how to become stronger and more flexible safely.
SUPPLEMENTS - Filling in all nutritional gaps with the right balance of vitamins, minerals, amino acids to increase your energy level is important in maintaining your health. We use Joyce’s analysis to suggest what you need based upon facts, not guess work.
The results of this program are safe, effective and scientifically based weight loss that will allow you to maintain your weight, instead of gaining it right back. Call for consult with Joyce and Crickett to how it will work for you and your family!
“I have been trying to lose the same 30 pounds for 20 years. I have lost and gained, but never had a permanent positive weight loss result in all that time. Then Crickett Allen was recommended to me.
Upon my initial consultation with Crickett, I realized that this would be a completely different experience. Crickett not only offered the amazing cold LASER technique which helped reboot my system and actually made me feel more in control of my choices, she gave me concrete suggestions to apply, that made a difference in my outlook, as well as my weight loss. Implementing the combination of the LASER and her diet program provided me with the success that eluded me in the past.
In her office I found the support and encouragement to keep me focused on losing weight and making improvements in every area of my life. As a result, Ihave lost my excess weight and kept it off and I’ve made permanent changes in my lifestyle that insure that I never am in the same situation again.”
- Marsha D.
“Crickett’s laser treatment for stress management has been a God send. She has a lot of experience in this and the results show it. I feel so much better and more able to enjoy my life, and my energy level has increased dramatically! Thank you Crick!”
- Dana S.
“I started with Joyce Knapton after going to a workshop for Crowley Chiropractic Clinic. I was really sick with no energy and very sad with lots of stress in my life. Joyce tested my urine and it was cloudy with dead cells floating in it. I really needed help!! Joyce knew just what to do. I started on Joyce’s plan and after on to two weeks I lost 10 pounds. I love the energy Barley life has given me!!! I started her program at 54% energy level and was looking at diabetes in my future, but sweet Joyce turned that all around for me. After four short weeks with Joyce I am now at 92% energy and am HAPPY!!! In January, I ran a 5K for my son’s school. I can say life is grand!! Thank you so much Joyce, you are a JEWEL!!!!”
- Emily S.
"I have lost 94 pounds and feel fantastic! I was low energy and had high cholesterol, especially triglycerides, not a healthy combination. Yet, I had tried several other programs which left me weak, hungry and irritable, and even when I lost so weight; it came back quickly after completing the programs. Advanced Wellness Program was totally different, I never felt hungry, my energy doubled while doing the protocol, cravings were not an issue at all, and there was no medications, therefore no side effects. The protocol is time tested and was well explained and made sense! My cholesterol is now a healthy level; I am active and look and feel years younger! Better yet, their program is very affordable. Believe me, this works!"
- Ray, Security Consultant; Bwk, Ga
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:00pm
Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Center
1510 Newcastle St #200
Brunswick, GA 31520